Sunday, February 27, 2011

Never Give Up

In that dark lonesome place

between a dream dreamed

and a dream realized,

I have left a little light for you

so you will know that someone cares

and believes in your dream.

Just where it becomes the most dark

and difficult to find your way,

there is the light I left for you.

It will light your way,

through the doubt, the confusion,

and the fears,

It will stay with you

all the way to the realization

of your dream.

And when your dream has come true,

please go back to that darkest place

where you have been,

And set the little light there to give heart

to the next sweet soul that braves the path

to his or her dreams.

Dreamers are the architects of greatness.

There wisdom lies within their souls.

Dream long enough and hard enough

and your dream can be attained.

@This poem is made just for dear Nelli L. Yunara

Please Never Give UP....

All are just temporary

Next ..All will be fine...

The flowers will be blooming like ur smile

I Pray for u...NEVER GIVE UP DEAR!!

@Sunday in my apartment Sydney Australia

Thursday, February 3, 2011