Wednesday, April 14, 2010

If......I should never wake up

If......I should never wake up

If tomorrow, I should never wake up,
I wanted to say I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for what I've done, and what I haven't done.

If I harmed you, yelled at you, ignored you,
or didn't care…I'm sorry.
If tomorrow, I should never wake up,
I wanted to say…Thank you.

If me and you were the best of friends,
Thank you…for always being there.
If you and I only talked once in a while,
and didn't do the same things and weren't
the best of friends…Thank You for humbling me.

You are not perfect, but I am not either,
but thank you for having a part in my life.
If tomorrow, I should never wake up,
I wanted to say everything I never had time to.

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